The concept of timelines bridges science, philosophy, and spirituality, asking us to question the very nature of reality itself. In this article, we will explore the concept of timelines. What are they? The difference between collective and individual timelines? And how we shift them both consciously and unconsciously.
With the turn of Trump’s head something happened the day of Trump’s first assignation attempt in July of 2024.
This isn’t a political post. It’s about parallel lifetimes, choice points, and alternative paths. This is a story about timelines.
I’ve had interesting conversations about how people felt things shifted this summer. Most people described it as ungrounding, ‘things just felt off,’ or dissociative for a few months.
Most of us can pinpoint this feeling starting around the time of Trump’s assassination attempt. This led me to inquire within and what I’ve come up with is that this event knocked us off the path we were on.
We’ve entered a new timeline.
What Is a Timeline?
A timeline is often described as a sequence of events that unfold in a linear progression. Timelines represent the continuity of this path as we experience it—past, present, and future. But timelines are about more than just events that we experience. They are also about the ongoing stories we tell ourselves about who we are in relation to the world around us. Our identities, emotions, narratives, and karma are all part of timelines too. And as we will explore, these subjective aspects become important when it comes to shifting them.
Is There More Than One Timeline?
Could it be possible that there are potentially endless realities - Universes, worlds, different versions of you? From a quantum physics perspective, timelines are all about the principles of uncertainty and possibility. Quantum mechanics suggests that particles can occupy multiple states simultaneously until observed or measured. So potentially, this means that everything can exist in all ways in all time until it doesn’t with every choice or observation creating a new "branch" of existence.
This is exactly what physicist Hugh Everett proposed with his Many-Worlds Interpretation. This theory suggests that every quantum event creates a new universe. So, in a scenario with two possible outcomes, somewhere both those outcomes occur, each creating its own parallel universe.
Individual vs Collective Timelines
If consciousness shapes reality, then we are co-creators of our existence. This means that timelines are both individual and collective. So, a timeline shift might occur when an individual makes a profound internal change. For example, overcoming a fear or adopting a new mindset could move a person to a timeline where their desired outcomes manifest more easily. As co-creators, we are capable of influencing the trajectory of our lives through thought, emotion, intention, and desire.
The New Earth
It is also important to understand the evolution of the self in relationship to the evolution of the cosmos. As above so below. Because we are co-creators, collective timelines are operating as well. Such shifts are seen as opportunities for humanity’s growth, where we together chooses a timeline of greater harmony, unity, and understanding. Currently, humanity is believed to be on the brink of a major shift, often referred to as the Great Awakening or the transition to a higher-dimensional reality - The New Earth.
It is believed that there are multiple timelines in play right now. In one timeline, the Earth and its inhabitants will continue to self-destruct as we deplete the Earth of her resources and teeter on the brink of nuclear annihilation. The other ‘New Earth’ timeline will see humanity rise up and learn to live in harmony with one another and embody our highest potentials.
While I believe that timelines are much more complex than this, remember that the stories we weave are just as important as the physics. We can accelerate and solidify a timeline collectively through our thoughts and particularly our emotions. See my article on Egregores to understand this better.
What Might Cause a Timeline Shift?
Many things can potentially cause timeline shifts both individually and collectively.
Choice Points: Every decision we make as individuals or as a collective can represent a branching point where a new timeline forms. For instance, choosing one career over another might lead to an entirely different life path. Or the incident during the Cold War involving Stanislav Yevgrafovich Petrov, who made the decision to ignore military protocols that would have led to a large-scale nuclear war. How would our world have changed had he made a different choice?
Large Collective Events: Large-scale events, such as natural disasters or societal upheavals, might collectively shift humanity’s timeline, steering it toward a new trajectory. The Global Consciousness Project, a network of Random Events Generators, showed an unexplainable spike in non-random activity four hours before the terrorist attacks on 9/11. Giving credence to the idea that our thoughts and emotions collectively have non-local effects on the larger field of consciousness (and maybe timelines too?)
Awakening Event: A timeline shift might occur when someone undergoes a profound internal transformation. Accompanying an awakening event is usually a shift in our understanding of reality and our place in it. Opening ourselves up to a new story of ourselves and the world.
Disruptive Technologies: Some people believe that the large hadron collider like the one used at CERN can open portals or cause slight disturbances in the fabric of space-time causing new timelines to emerge. Caroline Myss, a world-famous spiritual teacher, believes that the splitting of the atom not only shifted our thinking paradigm from one of matter to energy but also created new probabilities that can lead to our self-destruction.
Indications of Timeline Shifts
Some small and subtle indications can alert us to a timeline shift.
Things go missing or show up in different places - Have you ever had things go missing that you looked for a hundred times and then suddenly reappeared in an obvious place? Or had a familiar object show up in a place that it shouldn’t have? That could be a sign of a timeline jump.
Things feel off: There is this sense of ungrounding/disassociation as things try and find equilibrium again. There is no other way to describe it other than things just don’t feel right.
The Mandela Effect: This is a fascinating phenomenon that deserves an article unto itself. Basically, the Mandela Effect refers to a phenomenon where a large group of people remembers an event, fact, or detail differently from how it is recorded or widely known. It’s named after Nelson Mandela. Many people have a memory of him dying in prison in the 1980s, even though he was released and later became South Africa's president.
How to Jump Timelines
As mentioned above, there can and are things outside of an individual's control that shift timelines. However, on an individual level, there are some things we can do to deliberately jump timelines. Practices like meditation and visualization that help us with concentration and focus are important.
The first thing is to recognize where you are. Are you in a timeline that has unfavorable results? Where would you like to be? Getting a clear vision of the path you would like to be on is important.
Just with any manifesting, you need to align your heart, mind, intention, and desires with the new timeline you’d like to be on. And anytime you allow yourself to wander from that alignment, you must re-align. This has to be followed up with actions taken from this new alignment. Take actions that reinforce the world/timeline you’d like to see. Then, repeat over and over again until things feel like they’ve clicked or fallen into place.
Collective Shifts
Collectively, we need people en masse to consciously and deliberately choose a new path and to stay above the fray. This is why social media is such a perfect instrument for our destruction. It rallies people in large groups, entangling their emotions and commodifying their attention. Focusing them on everything that is wrong without hope or vision for something better. In order to rise above it, we need to gather with people (either online or in person) that promote the vision for the world we want to see, rather than focus on destroying what we don’t.
Whether we are navigating the branches of a multiverse, shifting realities through conscious effort, or simply pondering the paths not taken, timelines remind us of the infinite potential within our lives and the universe. They invite us to think beyond the constraints of linear time and challenge us to consider the vastness of existence and our place within it. While we may not yet have definitive answers about the nature of timelines or how they work, their exploration asks us to act more deliberately and consciously in both our in person and online lives. And to align our heart, mind, intention and desires with the world we want to live in.
Interesting article on Timelines. Your thorough explanation was really easy to understand and thought provoking. Thank you Angela.